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Linkedin Growth

Content strategy and execution for 
Automotive Center Südwestfalen.

The Automotive Center Südwestfalen (acs) is a relatively young company offering engineering services like product- and process development, prototyping and validation for the automotive value chain. Located in one of the economic power regions in Germany, the company is on a path to grow their portfolio with a young and ambitious team of engineers, spearheaded by a visionary CEO.

The Challenge

To increase their online reach and brand awareness, the acs wanted to grow their Linkedin followers. Due to a lack of expertise and time, the social channel was only used on an ad-hoc basis with no clear strategy or planning. The Linkedin page was not optimal in terms of Branding (use of colours, profile photo, cover image, etc.) and content mostly had a "selling touch".

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Results after 30 days:

165% new followers

120% more clicks to the website

300% more unique visitors

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The Solution & Approach

After my first session with the acs to better understand their identity and target audiences, I developed a content strategy that took into account their business goals, brand and interests of their audiences. Using a 70-20-10 model, we agreed on the weighing of topics such as thought-leadership, employer branding, inventory & services, etc. With enough input from brochures and brainstorm sessions, I create cycles of content that is verified by the acs and planned into Hootsuite for a month ahead or more. The posts are now visually more attractive, respect the do's and don'ts for the Linkedin algorithm and drive great organic results for continued growth.

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Glaskurgel Antriebsart Image Post 1200x6
acs erhantartan portfolio
acs erhantartan portfolio pdf .jpg

Do you need help with ideas? Creating them? Planning them?



Erhan Tartan 

Phone: +31 685048876


KvK: 82051143

BTW-Nr.: NL003633952B92


  • Linkedin

Foto credits:

Marieke Gras

Made in Germany.
Imported to The Netherlands.


Member & Shareholder of the Freelance Network

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